

The Basics

I'm a fraction over 6 feet tall (185 cm), I weigh about 425lbs ish (195 kg or so) and as of August 2005 I am 40 years old, but turn 41 in November.

Yes, I'm big and No, I'm not on a diet.

I'm single, but still share an apartment with my Ex. Maybe it's a little strange, but frankly we always were better friends than boyfriends, though I think I can be classed as the roommate from hell sometimes. Of course, from my point of view, he's a neat freak, but I think that's true of anyone who puts their dirty clothes in a hamper and actually ends up with a matched number of socks on laundry day.

Professionally, I'm a software developer. I work primarily in the financial industry working on real-time transaction processing systems for retail banking applications. I specialize in a proprietary tri-level client-server architecture and an associated retail banking application. I worked for banks and financial institutions throughout the world, though my long-term placements have all been in North and South America.

I gave up a lot of the business travel after 2001, not out of fear of traveling, but out of frustration with the whole process. Not to mention a few scary moment in 2000 when one of my flights caught fire in mid-air. I work remotely when I can, on-site when I must, except for one of my local clients for whom I will go on-site anytime because I enjoy working with them so much.

I share custody of two little furball cats. Holly, who's my little girl and Christmas, who is my roommate's little boy. Although they started out as mine, C adopted D from the moment they met and that's just the way it is. Holly's just glad she doesn't have to share me. She's a bit of a chubby chaser - she'll knead my gut with her paws whenever she gets the chance, and refuses to do it to anyone else with a flatter tummy.

I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada, a nice coastal city with tons of mountains for skiing and beaches for sun bathing.


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